Dialogue Accountability Process Team

Matthew Kama’aina

Restorative Dialogue Director
Matthew Kama’aina moves with the ways of his ancestors and their teachings of “all our relations”. He is Kanaka Maoli, born in Maui, and grew up in circle and sweat lodge on the Puyallup Indian Reservation. He believes in the power of community-based healing that center dignity, agency and collective care . He locates his circle work in movements to end mass incarceration and state repression. Matthew's unwavering dedication to creating a world free from all forms of violence is driven by his own experiences as a survivor, second-generation gang member, and third-generation formerly incarcerated person. Matthew is the Restorative Dialogue Director and circle facilitator at CJ. He has facilitated many circles in the aftermath of serious harm, holds an Associates of Arts degree through University Beyond Bars. 

Dolphy Jordon

DAPS Facilitator
Dolphy is dedicated to creating change in the face of systemic oppression. From his own experience of being incarcerated as a child, he has made it his mission to advocate for the rights of those impacted by the criminal justice system. He has worked tirelessly to abolish juvenile life sentencing practices, reform prisons, and promote restorative and transformative justice. Dolphy's personal experience has shaped his perspective and drives his commitment to creating change. Combined with his formal education (Bachelor’s in Applied Behavioral Science) and professional experiences have given him the skills to work as a HEAL Circle facilitator, and engage in Dialogue and Accountability Processes with Collective Justice showcases his dedication to community and personal accountability.

Dolphy's journey is an inspiration to others who seek to create positive change. His efforts demonstrate the importance of amplifying the voices of those impacted by oppressive systems and working towards restorative and transformative justice.

Briana Herman-Brand

DAPS Facilitator
Briana Herman-Brand has been working with youth and adults for 20+ years at the intersections of interpersonal healing and community-based social change. Briana’s roots in social justice go back to her family of origin but her passion for change work blossomed through addressing gender-based violence in college. It was there that she found her voice as a survivor and her commitment to building transformative justice approaches that support the healing and accountability of both survivors and those who have caused harm. Briana leads a robust consulting business, where she facilitates restorative/transformative justice skill-building, politized healing, and embodied leadership development with local organizations, schools, and community groups. She also works with the organization, Generative Somatics, where she teaches embodied trauma healing courses for social justice leaders throughout the country. In 2015, Briana realized her dream of becoming a parent.

Website: www.brianahermanbrand.com

Priya Nair

DAPS Facilitator
Priya Nair immigrated to the U.S. when she was almost nineteen years old. Her world and work are shaped by this experience, and she imagines a future where all people -- regardless of their identities -- have safe, loving, accountable, and accessible communities and relationships. She deeply believes that we all are capable of doing and surviving harm, and spends most of her time thinking about how we create relationships and communities that are able to hold that complexity, and build structures that generate healing and accountability. Priya has a BS in Biology from the University of Washington, and started volunteering and then working at API Chaya as a healthcare outreach coordinator. Her current role is as a volunteer and community organizer at API Chaya.

Stacy Torres

DAPS Facilitator
Stacy Torres is a politicized healer, cultural strategist, consultant, hearthkeeper and an experienced RJ practitioner. She has spent 20 years devoting her love and light to the most harmed in her community utilizing tools and practices that belong to us.  Her work intentionally addresses the impacts of systemic oppression, historical trauma, and legacies of violence that are currently eroding our communities. She believes that body-based transformation is possible and necessary for us to develop connective tissue between our values, vision, and actions. Stacy’s role at Collective Justice has been to facilitate and hold healing spaces for participants. Her vision at CJ is to develop a legacy of changemakers, organizers, activists, healers, artists, spiritual and thought leaders in Seattle who will build power and shift the inhuman conditions of our carceral systems.

Billy Fryberg

DAPS Fellow
Billy is a proud member of the Puyallup Tribe of Indians. Billy is a current DAP’s fellow at Collective Justice. Billy’s mission is to use his lived experiences of 17 years incarcerated to show at-risk youth a different path in life. Through years of teachings from his elders and local tribes, Billy has learned to heal himself, to be responsible for his actions and to see the world beyond the world he was born into. He has led Sweat Lodge Ceremonies and has organized pow wows in addition to singing and drumming. Billy finds inner strength through connection to his culture and ceremonies. By working with at-risk youth, Billy hopes to strengthen and heal communities affected by intergenerational trauma.

Tyra Griffith

DAPS Fellow

Grady Mitchell

DAPS Facilitator
Grady Mitchell is a HEAL Circle Facilitator with CJ. He is also a Facilitator and Master Trainer for Roots of Success (RoS), an Environmental Literacy and Job Training program and a motivational speaker and consultant.  He has been a guest speaker on programs hosted by Microsoft, Yale University, Boston College, the Washington Bar Association, and the Rotary Club, among many others. Mitchell served a life without parole sentence in Washington state prisons. In January 2021, after Grady’s 37-year sentence was commuted, he joined the RoS team, serving as Corrections and Re-Entry Program Director and as an Advisory Board member with the RoS program. Mitchell volunteers his time developing volunteer and re-entry policies and continues to mentor. Grady participated in and completed Collective Justices’ Trauma Informed Facilitation program. Having been released with no referrals or recommendations for mental health care, this training impacted him significantly in understanding and navigating through the traumatic experiences of crime and the consequences thereof within the carceral setting. He believes in the cross-pollinization of communication and has lived by the mantra of Sir Edmund Burke, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.” He is the married father of six and grandfather of ten wonderful kids.

Collective Justice Teams

Organizing Team

Through leadership and political education, we offer pathways to transform ourselves and our consciousness to begin the process of creating healthier, more human alternatives.

Dialogue & Accountability Processes Team

Dialogue and Accountability Processes (DAPs) offer survivors of serious harm or those who've lost loved ones to violence the chance to engage directly with the responsible parties, often through face-to-face dialogues.

Collective Wellness Team

The Collective Wellness Team is responsible for developing and stewarding Collective Justice’s internal and external operations in line with our values. This team oversees our fiscal sponsor transition; stewards staff and member wellness and Leadership; and develops organizational policies, ensuring our teams function as smoothly as possible.

Fundraising Team

The Fundraising And Development (FAD) team is responsible for planning, implementing, and overseeing our fundraising efforts. This team includes staff and collective members, dedicated to upholding our fundraising values, philosophy, and strategies. Our fundraising efforts are about more than just raising money; they are about building better, more equitable communities for all. We achieve this through communication, intention, and accountability.


Our team facilitates healing circles in prisons and communities, fostering shared storytelling among those both those who have caused harm and who are impacted by harm. Grounded in restorative and transformative justice, we guide a collective journey, deepening in our collective resilience, relationships, and healing.

Healing Justice Coaches

Healing Justice Coaches (HJC) support the Collective through the facilitation of healing-engaged spaces. Our Healing Justice Coaches provide ongoing emergent support for facilitators and staff including but not limited to trauma companionship and leadership development for staff and members and supports for our facilitation team processing as needed. We see it as one way that we “practice what we preach” and invest in the same kinds of healing for our staff/facilitators/members as we do for those we hold circle for in community.

Collective Members

Collective Members are a vibrant, loving and clear-eyed healing justice base of facilitators and organizers committed to the work. Our members build deep belonging, lasting relationships and a movement home where we practice and embody our theory of change.