Collective Members


Yonas Seifu is an Ethiopian American who has strong roots in Seattle. He attended Washington Middle School, Garfield High School and earned his bachelor as well as an MBA from University of Washington. Those that know him describe Yonas as a connector of people, cultures and ideas. Someone who can easily make friends with anyone and builds long lasting friendships. Having been a victim of random gun violence (Seattle Times article ) he has used his healing process to advocate for a more just and human criminal justice system. He started collaborating with Collective Justice as an Inaugural Advisor Group.  He is an economic development professional in Seattle living in south Seattle with his wife and their two children. 


Kelly (they/them) believes in the unrelenting power of human connection and community. They are a queer, jewish, anti-zionist and anti-imperialist organizer located in Seattle, committed to liberation and fighting for a free Palestine. Kelly is grounded in this work as a continuation of ancestral resistance and sees liberation work as integral to their intergenerational healing. Currently Kelly is the Operations and Community Resource Manager with University Beyond Bars and is also a sponsor for the queer support group at Twin Rivers Unit in the Monroe Correctional Complex. They have been working with incarcerated communities since 2018 and hope to one day live in a world where prisons no longer exist, from Seattle to Gaza. Kelly finds the most joy as a dog parent to their sweet (though endearingly poorly behaved) pitbull Ruby, and loves to spend time snowboarding, swimming in lake Washington, or hanging with their wonderful friends.


Clara (she/her/ella) is a queer, neurodivergent AfroSalvi living in diaspora. She comes to this work after a lifetime of navigating systems of oppression and violence, trying to survive a world that continuously tries to silence her. Born and raised in South Central L.A to Salvadoran refugees, Clara brings her lived-experience and passion for a better, safer world into her healing practice.

Danny Waxwing

Position: Member Danny Waxwing has been immersed in prison-based advocacy projects and support work for over ten years, and brings a big yearning for that work to be more grounded in genuine relationship. Prior to joining Collective Justice, Danny was deeply engaged with the work of the Prison Doula Project and the reproductive justice movement, and he is currently an attorney heading up the Trans in Prison Justice Project at Disability Rights Washington. Danny first became involved with Collective Justice as a facilitator for the HEAL program. He hopes to help cultivate more spaces where people are collectively grappling with the hardest of questions around tending to harm and accountability, and to generate more narratives that hold the full complexity of our life experiences and identities. He feels lucky to be in the presence of such deeply loving and intentionally challenging work. 

Metasabia Rigby

Metasabia was born in Dire Dawa, Ethiopia. Her journey, like many, is full of broken pieces, love, and transformation.  She traversed oceans, lands, and seas, to reach Seattle. Metasabia has a deep affinity for and experience in peacebuilding and has collaborated with people in Afghanistan, Rwanda, France, and many parts of the U.S. to support healing and transformation in the aftermath of war, migration, and violence.  Metasabia is drawn to this work because she believes in collective liberation, deepening and building relationships, skills, capacity, creativity, and joy, alongside communities most impacted by harm, violence, and imprisonment. She does this work in remembrance of Selamawit Moges, mother and ancestor.

Tracy Stewart

Tracy L. Stewart is mindfulness-based mental health therapist, wellness educator, end of life care provider, and healing justice activist. Tracy co-founded Gathering Roots Wellness with Nikki Chau, with the intention of creating a place where people can experience and learn sustaining wellbeing practices steeped within medicine of the Earth. Her role at Collective Justice has been to facilitate and support healing practices with participants. Currently, Tracy is supporting BIPoC grassroots and nonprofits with resource mobilization, grant making, and justice-centered organizational development. She sees her role in community collaborating on safe spaces for BIPoC folks share in healing and break binds to colonial capitalism that cause scarcity mindset, values breach, and activism burnout.

Chloe Huber 

Chloe Huber is a member of Collective Justice and South King County & Eastside Mutual Aid, and a participant in survivor-led and survivor-stewarded healing and arts spaces. Her experience is in collaborating on community-based healing spaces for persons who have experienced gender-based violence, grounded in a value of meeting the essential needs of shelter and food first. Chloe is a member of API Chaya’s RISE! Circle, if you identify as a BIPOC and/or API survivor of sexual violence, abuse, or assault, and are interested in healing and building political power through creative arts, please reach out!


Elena [they/she] holds immense gratitude for their teachers and the lineages of Restorative, Transformative & Healing Justice. As a queer, white survivor of interpersonal harm raised by a system-impacted family, Elena fights to dismantle systems of oppression while practicing radical self-accountability as to not enliven or uphold those violences. They show up in space with curiosity, presence and pre-figurative joy to build collective care. Elena began with CJ in 2020 coordinating the Rapid Response program, centering the agency and self-determination of survivors while responding to the death-making conditions of state abandonment. They are a current member of the Community Education Team. Elena loves dancing, sea creatures & saxophones. 

Collective Justice Teams

Organizing Team

Through leadership and political education, we offer pathways to transform ourselves and our consciousness to begin the process of creating healthier, more human alternatives.

Dialogue & Accountability Processes Team

Dialogue and Accountability Processes (DAPs) offer survivors of serious harm or those who've lost loved ones to violence the chance to engage directly with the responsible parties, often through face-to-face dialogues.

Collective Wellness Team

The Collective Wellness Team is responsible for developing and stewarding Collective Justice’s internal and external operations in line with our values. This team oversees our fiscal sponsor transition; stewards staff and member wellness and Leadership; and develops organizational policies, ensuring our teams function as smoothly as possible.

Fundraising Team

The Fundraising And Development (FAD) team is responsible for planning, implementing, and overseeing our fundraising efforts. This team includes staff and collective members, dedicated to upholding our fundraising values, philosophy, and strategies. Our fundraising efforts are about more than just raising money; they are about building better, more equitable communities for all. We achieve this through communication, intention, and accountability.


Our team facilitates healing circles in prisons and communities, fostering shared storytelling among those both those who have caused harm and who are impacted by harm. Grounded in restorative and transformative justice, we guide a collective journey, deepening in our collective resilience, relationships, and healing.

Healing Justice Coaches

Healing Justice Coaches (HJC) support the Collective through the facilitation of healing-engaged spaces. Our Healing Justice Coaches provide ongoing emergent support for facilitators and staff including but not limited to trauma companionship and leadership development for staff and members and supports for our facilitation team processing as needed. We see it as one way that we “practice what we preach” and invest in the same kinds of healing for our staff/facilitators/members as we do for those we hold circle for in community.

Collective Members

Collective Members are a vibrant, loving and clear-eyed healing justice base of facilitators and organizers committed to the work. Our members build deep belonging, lasting relationships and a movement home where we practice and embody our theory of change.