Healing Justice Coaches

 Kathei McCoy

Healing Justice Coach
Kathei (she/her/sis) is a freedom seeker. Her journey to liberation has been a fierce pursuit of breaking free from generational trauma, oppressive systems and the shackles of grief. Her work is deeply rooted in the belief that everybody is deserving of liberation and joy. She has been supporting and walking alongside Black women on their own journey to freedom for 20 years. She serves as a personal & leadership development coach, facilitator and spiritual guide to people and organizations seeking healing and restoration. Kathei’s intention is to create and hold sacred healing spaces that provide spiritual, relational and emotional support as people come home to themselves. As a survivor she is committed to the healing, wellness and joy of Black mamas who’ve lost children to gun violence. It’s her prayer that we all feel seen, heard and loved. Kathei loves lots of rest, swimming, spending time with family and eating delicious desserts.

Teddy McGlynn-Wright

Healing Justice Coach
Teddy McGlynn-Wright (he/they)is a Belonging-Based Facilitator, politicized healer and Book DJ, currently living in Bulbancha (AKA New Orleans). He joined Collective Justice in 2017 as a Healing Justice Coach, supporting facilitators in transforming their secondary trauma and fine-tuning their facilitation skills. When working with individuals and organizations, Teddy recognizes that all interpersonal violence happens in the context of structural violence, so he approaches healing that supports transforming systems that break people, families and communities. Whether the trauma is racialized or gendered, interpersonal or institutional Teddy takes a body-based approach to clearing secondary trauma in those on the frontlines of anti-violence, liberation, and abolition movements. You can learn more about this approach to supporting organizations to align their values and actions at www.intheworksllc.com/about.


Healing Justice Coach
Karena (she / her) is a lover and a fighter. Karena is a space-holder who co-creates and stewards communities of belonging where truth-telling, dignity, and full self-expression are tended, and believes that well-being is integral to achieving personal liberation and community safety. Karena’s work is relational, embodied, trauma-informed, and healing-centered; she worked in community mental health for over 20 years and has consulted at community, state, national, and international levels. Karena loves all things food, learning from horses, and envisions her future on a sun-drenched compound, full of her beloveds. In addition to her consulting work, Karena has a private psychotherapy practice for BIPOC in the Bay Area.


Healing Justice Coach
Ray Sukin Klauber (pronouns: they/them) is a mixed race, Eurasian & Jewish, transgender, disabled trauma/crisis intervention specialist, coach, mediator and facilitator who has been working in non-profits for the past 20 years. They joined the CJ Team as Healing Justice Coach in January 2020 and are proud to call CJ their home organization. Ray has conducted hundreds of trainings, support groups and retreats for adults and young people alike across the country. Their commitment to collective liberation has taken them wherever young people can be found, from streets to schools, from drop-in centers to jails and foster care.  They strive to create spaces safe enough for people to dream, laugh, grieve, learn, love and practice.  When Ray is not doing work for pay, they are building infrastructure and intervening in community crisis outside of state systems, reading science fiction & fantasy books by the ocean and taking long midnight walks.

Collective Justice Teams

Organizing Team

Through leadership and political education, we offer pathways to transform ourselves and our consciousness to begin the process of creating healthier, more human alternatives.

Dialogue & Accountability Processes Team

Dialogue and Accountability Processes (DAPs) offer survivors of serious harm or those who've lost loved ones to violence the chance to engage directly with the responsible parties, often through face-to-face dialogues.

Collective Wellness Team

The Collective Wellness Team is responsible for developing and stewarding Collective Justice’s internal and external operations in line with our values. This team oversees our fiscal sponsor transition; stewards staff and member wellness and Leadership; and develops organizational policies, ensuring our teams function as smoothly as possible.

Fundraising Team

The Fundraising And Development (FAD) team is responsible for planning, implementing, and overseeing our fundraising efforts. This team includes staff and collective members, dedicated to upholding our fundraising values, philosophy, and strategies. Our fundraising efforts are about more than just raising money; they are about building better, more equitable communities for all. We achieve this through communication, intention, and accountability.


Our team facilitates healing circles in prisons and communities, fostering shared storytelling among those both those who have caused harm and who are impacted by harm. Grounded in restorative and transformative justice, we guide a collective journey, deepening in our collective resilience, relationships, and healing.

Healing Justice Coaches

Healing Justice Coaches (HJC) support the Collective through the facilitation of healing-engaged spaces. Our Healing Justice Coaches provide ongoing emergent support for facilitators and staff including but not limited to trauma companionship and leadership development for staff and members and supports for our facilitation team processing as needed. We see it as one way that we “practice what we preach” and invest in the same kinds of healing for our staff/facilitators/members as we do for those we hold circle for in community.

Collective Members

Collective Members are a vibrant, loving and clear-eyed healing justice base of facilitators and organizers committed to the work. Our members build deep belonging, lasting relationships and a movement home where we practice and embody our theory of change.